Rediscovering an African Identity – Part 2 

 February 24, 2022

Welcome back to part 2 of our conversation on Rediscovering an African Identity with my co-host Dhani-Sinaan.

In this episode, I ask him about the terms “Black” vs “African American” and is there a preference between the two. We introduce you to a powerful book that documents the personal experiences of one man as he lives through the atrocities of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. And we begin to explore the complexities of the critical race theory debate.

You will begin to see just how complex these issues are and how it will require each of us to take ownership of our reactions in order to create bridges that can bring communities together.

I encourage you to listen with an open heart and mind. Embrace the moments when you have a knee jerk reaction to something that we say, and then consciously explore those reactions for yourself with grace and authenticity.


The Diaspora Identity Crisis
This is the research paper that Dhani-Sinaan Harris wrote and referenced in the show
Download Here

Personal Reflections on The Diaspora Identity Crisis
Is this paper, Dhani-Sinaan reflects on his experience of researching and writing the paper and the events of his life that were occurring around the same time.
Download Here

Bridging the Diaspora Divide – TED Talk by Teresa H. Clark
View Here

Mississippi’s Economic Wealth – Instagram post from @voiceoftheancestors
View Here

Baracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo”
The is the book we referenced that is a personal account of being captured and sold into the slave trade. It is available in print, digital, and audio versions.
Purchase Here

7 Myths about Cultural Appropriation DEBUNKED!
View Here

Additional Resources
List of resources provided by Dhani-Sinaan for further personal inquiry
Download Here


Thanks to Dustin Borlack for his musical genius and supplying us with the intro music. Check out what he is up to on Instagram @dustydayo

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